" Are You Troubled?"
Pastor Frank Oakman
Call to Worship: Psalm 1
Old Testament: Jeremiah 17:5-10
New Testament: I Corinthians 15:12-20
Sermon: Luke 6:17-26
God of Grace and God of Glory
Only Trust Him
Make Me A Captive, Lord
Live stream:
From Pastor Frank
From Pastor Frank
From ABC to GMC
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I give thanks to our gracious God for putting you all in our lives. Your faithfulness and your enthusiasm fill my heart with joy and helps complete my hope in Christ. Every day I look forward to serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alongside each of you and growing in our discipleship journey together.
In my toddler years, I remember my mom teaching me the A,B,Cs. I got efficient with them, I even learned them backwards. Still today I can say my ZYXs. Learning the ABCs is one of the many basic things kids learn. They learn them so they can begin putting letters together to form words. As we grow up, we still remember our ABCs, but we no longer depend upon them as foundational in our development.
I only mention the ABCs because to often churches was to focus on ABCs in their growth. They define success in ministry with the ABCs. Let me unpackaged that for you.
A – Attendance: Too often we think we are a successful church if we have a large attendance. The more people we have, the better we become. Well, not exactly. Some folks think that a larger attendance can bring in more money. Well, not exactly. Too often we think a ministry is only successful if folks who receive such ministry comes to our church. Well, not exactly. Attendance is never the solution to ministry.
B – Building: Too often folks think that a bigger building will solve many issues. Not always. Some believe in the old fable, “Build it and they will come.” Maybe for a short time. Yes, buildings and locations are vital to strategic ministries. Yet, I don’t know of one building in my 28 years of ministry that had ever brought someone to Christ.
C – Cash: Oh yes, cash. Show me the money! Money, money, money. We live in a society that believes money can solve a many of problems.
Maybe, but they can also create deeper ones. I know churches who had millions in endowments and two things happened:
1: People quit giving. I believe this is an issue because our giving, our stewardship is not about where we give our money or how much we give. Our stewardship is about our relationship with Christ. If we quit giving because the church “has enough” then it only hinders our growth.
2: Money becomes an idol to worship. They don’t want to spend the money in case we need it for a rainy day. Their ministries are being supported financially, their outreach is limited, and their disciple making is focused on the inside of the walls and not the outside.
So, if a church wants to grow they need to move away from the ABC mentality. But what mentality do we embrace? What direction do we go? This is where I personally would say we need to move from ABC to GMC. Why?
Because we are a Global Methodist Church and being a part of such a movement we have a mission and vision. Nowhere in Scripture did Jesus say, “increase your worship attendance and membership.” No where in Scripture did Jesus say, “build a bigger building.” No where in Scripture did Jesus say, “the more money you have the more successful you will become.” No, Jesus didn’t put a huge emphasis on ABCs. Now, don’t get me wrong. I want to grow our congregation. I want us to settle in to a building that will efficient and effective for our ministry mission and vision. And I don’t want folks to continue practice sacrificial giving and extravagant generosity. But only as a result of the true focus.
The Global Methodist Church seeks to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ and Spread Scripture Holiness across the globe. If we want to add to our numbers, if we want an effective building, if we want an outpouring of financial stewardship, then we must be faithful to our calling to grow the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of Kerrville GMC.
Scripture is very clear that when the disciples focused on sharing the Gospel message of God’s love, and Christ’s sacrifice the Kingdom of God grew. When the Kingdom of God grew, we are told, “God added to their number daily.” When our focus in Kingdom minded and not local minded, God blesses the local church. When the lost are begin found, and the blind are regaining sight, God adds to the number of the local church. When the hungry are begin fed, when the stranger is shown hospitality, God adds to the number of the local church.
If we want our congregation to grow, then we must focus on Kingdom growth first and foremost and let God do the rest.
Buildings are built, and building are destroyed. Money comes in and money goes out. Local church’s take in members, and they see members leave. But when we put all our eggs in Kingdom Growth, God takes care of the rest.
My challenge for those reading today, is pray for kingdom growth and to be obedient to God’s commission on our lives to “Go and make disciples of Jesus Christ.” When that becomes the main thing, the other pieces of God’s plan for our congregation will fit into place.
Attendance is important. Buildings are important. Cash is important. But the Kingdom of God is vital. Imagine the impact we will have on our community if we seek to not be an ABC church but a true GMC Church.
Have a blessed week!
Blessings to you!
Pastor Frank
A generous member of the church has offered to give up to $500,000 for the building fund if we can raise a matching amount. If you are interested, please complete the pledge form available in the sanctuary. The pledge can be payable in installments any time through the end of 2025. A pledge can be changed at any time if circumstances change. These matching building fund donations are in addition to pledges for normal church operations. Even if we are enormously successful, a million dollars will not buy a new building given high real estate costs in Kerrville -- but it will make a serious start for an interim facility that allows for our continued growth.
Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide us.
"For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." Isaiah 56:7
We are an orthodox and traditional Global Methodist Church in Kerrville, TX.
We believe in the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and the Way.
I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.
Our vision is to be known for growing deep in worship and prayer, growing up as disciples, growing together in love and growing out in evangelism and outreach.
Kerrville Global Methodist Church
301 Junction Highway at Five Points
Suite 230, 2nd floor
Kerrville TX
John Wesley:
"My ground is the Bible. Yea, I am a Bible-bigot. I follow it in all things, both great and small. I want the whole Christ for my Savior, the whole Bible for my book, the whole Church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my mission field."
Kerrville Global Methodist Church
301 Junction Highway at Five Points
Kerrville TX 78028
Sanctuary: Suite 230
Executive offices: Suite 233
Conference room: Second floor
Mailing address:
Kerrville Global Methodist Church
P.O. Box 293787
Kerrville TX 78029
Minister: Rev. Frank C. Oakman
Kerrville Global Methodist Church:
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